Windsor Wednesdays

The Windsor Wednesday race series a premier weekly race serries  that takes place on Lake St. Claire!  Some 50 crews meet up Wednesday evening to race around preset marks on Lake St. Clair. There are about 20 different courses that the Windsor race committee will choose from, depending upon the current wind conditions and the wind forecast for the night. This is a great serries because you never know what you will get with plenty of both upwind and wind wind legs. There are a ton of Sail changes which keep all the crew on their toes. The Windsor Wednesday race serries is an intense race series where it is important to work together and team work is key!

2022 Windsor Wednesday Race Serries Schedule

Spring Serries

  1. May 17th
  2. May 24th
  3. May 31st
  4. June 7th
  5. June 14th
  6. June 21st
  7. June 28th

Fall Serries

  1. August 16th
  2. August 23rd
  3. August 30th
  4. September 6th
  5. September 13th
  6. September 20th
  7. September 27th

Racing a C&C 35 sailboat requires a combination of skill, strategy, and teamwork to be competitive. Firstly, before we leave the dock to head to the race course, each crew member has a short list of tasks to check off to make sure the boat is in sound condition and we have the proper gear needed to race. During this inspection and rigging of the boat, crew members set up their stations and prep the running rigging (lines, sheets, and blocks) necessary to perform their duties. Sail inventories are also checked to make sure we have the proper inventory for the expected wind and weather conditions. We make sure to thoroughly inspect the sails and rigging to ensure everything is in good working order. If something breaks under load during a race, it could potentially injure or kill a team member. Next, it’s essential to understand the boat’s rigging and controls to optimize performance. Crew members work tirelessly throughout the season to practice and perfect their positions. It is very important in racing to both understand how to perform your required position and also know how that position ties into the other positions and the overall race strategy. During the race, communication and coordination are critical among the crew, including sail trim, steering, and navigation. As the skipper, it’s essential to constantly monitor the wind and weather conditions, adjust the course as necessary, and make strategic decisions to gain an advantage over the competition. Finally, maintaining a competitive spirit while adhering to the rules of the race is crucial for a successful and enjoyable experience.

Crew Positions









Mainsail Trimmer


Grinder Port/Starboard







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